Joel Zambrano’s Wine (Re)Views
Joel is the sommelier guest on the Culinary Libertarian podcast, episode 24.
Here he’ll be providing short reviews, once a week, of one particular bottle and commenting on the color, taste, acidity, alcohol, and pairing. Think of it as you own part-time wine school. And, you’ll love the homework. Speaking of homework I’ve a PDF you can download for taste evaluation. One sheet each for red and whites.

It tastes like what?
Wine tasting is both easy, drink, and challenging, what is that flavor? Flavor profiles and aromas are plentiful in wines. Practice practice practice is necessary to find the more delicate or subtle flavors lingering in the back.
And, that’s another thing. Wine comes with its own language, but some of it makes sense. A flavor in the back means, to me, in back of the first flavors and often after you’ve swallowed your sip.
There is a lot to learn and it can’t be done all at once. Trust me. But, with a few glasses a week, some friends and some cheese, the work seems a little less heavy.
Some resources
Here are a few things to help you.
The “Wine Spectator” magazine, not an affiliate, but an amazing publication, has a wine glossary on their website. It is a great place to start to make sense of the terminology.
Here is a Red Wine Tasting Sheet and a White Wine Tasting Sheet. These are to help you learn what sommeliers seek in taste and sight.
Here are a few books about wine found on Amazon, for whom I am an affiliate.
Joel’s Reviews
Chamisal Soberanes Pinot Noir 2017
June 7, 2019
St Henri Shiraz Penfolds 2014
May 31, 2019
Seghesio Sonomo County Old Vine Zinfandel, 2015
May 24, 2019
Nebbiolo, Sansilvestro, 2015
May 3, 2019
Okay, I boo-booed. This is the first episode. Joel explains the grading criteria and alcohol levels.
Husch Pinot Noir 2015
April 25, 2019
Jean Jacques Sancerre 2017
April 19, 2019
Dr. L Riesling, 2017
April 12, 2019