Sugar Bombs Away!!!

Kellogg's Headquarters Battle Creek, MI

Sugar Bombs-Away!

Cold Cereal is a Health Risk

I used to like-no, that’s wrong-I used to LOVE sugar bomb cereal.

Still a bit of a fan, but not like the old days.

Cereals from the old days. 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1971, 1972

Cap’n Crunch or that funny character with the propeller on his head or Honey Smacks or King Vitamin or even Buc Wheats.  Man, they do not make them like that any more.  But, of course they do.

As the kid of the family I had little choice but to go along.  I’ll say going along with sugary cereals was not a fight.

Today, my youngest is a fan.  But, I’ve learned a few things between then and now and I’m growing quickly displeased with that choice for her.

Between reading this and that and talking to her and him, I’ve learned that sugar is really really really bad for you-me-her, all of us.

It’s not like that was a revelation, except, to the extent that sugar is poison, yeah, that was a bit of a surprise.

Time To Rethink Groceries

The wee one, not really so wee, like eggs fine.  That’s usually brunch fare for a weekend morn.  It’s about to get promoted to front and center most mornings.

I’ve been looking for Keto breakfast items.  Yes, eggs, of course, but what else?  Now, having trashed sugar well, some substitutions I’ll not be making immediately.  Baking will be sugar included.  I’ve no experience or knowledge the not-sugar stuff and have little resources to make errors.

One issue is the processed part of the cereal game.  Some of those cereal ingredients I can’t pronounce, grow, or pick.

So, a Change is afoot.  Small Ones to Start.

Part of the process of eating is learned and maintained habits.  She eats cereal because it is easy and I at cereal.  If I can make a change that takes root, then she might have a better chance than I did at keeping slimmer and also giving my grandkids better habits.

This is not presto-chango thing I’m after, but a slow steady change of behaviors with food.

I’m a baker.  I like baking and I like baking bread and muffins and stuff.  I’m also a dad and a husband who wants better for his kids and wife.

Some change is better than none.  I know there is a faction which will be displeased that the change is not the dietary equivalent of tearing off the band-aid.  Tough.

The Whole Is Better Than The Parts

We like fruit.  Bananas are not great on the list.  Lots of sugar.  If I have to have a choice between her eating a banana or something from a box, that’s an easy choice.  She like strawberries and oranges and pears and apples, so the variety is good and it is better than apple chips or fruit juice.  We aim to be smarter about our diet, not militant.

I’m doing this for me and mine.  I’ll not have a Keto page any time soon.  There are people far smarter than me about how and what to eat and the rules.

Good choices for food start with buying and eating as your grandparents did.  If it’s in a box, there’s a good chance you are better off eating the box than the contents.  Steer clear of that in most cases.

A good guide is eat food as close to it’s original form in nature.

Here’s my exclusion list.  It’s easier to list what’s out than what’s in.

  • Canola, corn or “vegetable” oil
  • Crisco
  • Fruit juices

That’s a puny list.  I’ll add to it.

If you are so inclined, drop me a note on the Culinary Libertarian Facebook page, and let’s see if we can tweak our lists.

Author: Dann Reid

Hello. I'm a dad and husband and baker and chef and student of history, of economics and liberty.

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