Episode 19 Coffee’s Cool Beans

Episode 19 Coffee’s Cool Beans

David Okamoto returns to talk about coffee.  David discusses some interesting companion planting techniques I’d never heard about.  He also discusses why the good stuff can be a bit pricey and what it takes to get that to the stores.  I asked how one brews a perfect cup of coffee and found myself informed by the answer.

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Guest’s social media



Books mentioned

World Atlas of Coffee

Birth of Coffee

Coffee Obsession

All About Coffee

Affiliates mentioned
728x90 Christmas Collections
zChocolat is an affiliate vendor. When you make a purchase through this link, I earn a commission from zChocolat at no additional cost to you.
100% Kona Coffee
Koa Coffee is an affiliate vendor. When you purchase coffee through this link, I earn a commission from Koa Coffee at no additional cost to you.
Liberty Classroom is an affiliate vendor. When you subscribe to Liberty Classroom through this link, I earn a commission from Liberty Classroom at no additional cost to you.
Coffee maker
Chemex 8 Cup Coffeemaker with P Cup
Chemex 8 Cup coffeemaker


Episode 18 Luke Tatum: Who Knows Better Than You About You?

Episode 18 How To Anarchy with Luke Tatum

My guest, Luke Tatum, has been deep in the rabbit holes of libertarianism for nearly a decade.  He joins me to talk about what anarchy is and how to achieve it, even if at a small level.  From a small seed grows mighty things.

Listen to the show

Stitcher icon Apple Podcast formerly iTunes logo Anchor.fm icon

Books mentioned

Human Action

The Law PDF

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Food Rights

Guest’s website

Luke Tatum

Guest’s social media




Affiliates mentioned

Bluehost.com Web Hosting $3.95

Bonuses for Bluehost subscriptions.  Email me at podcast@culinarylibertarian.com for details

Podcasts mentioned

Sounds Like Liberty Podcast

Actual Anarchy Podcast

Tom Woods Show Ep 1061

Luke’s answers to the questions

What’s your favorite food?   Beef ribs.

What’s your least favorite food?   I like most everything, so this is actually pretty hard to answer. Maybe popcorn? I know that makes me a heathen.

What gets you excited?   Learning new things!

What turns you off?   Smugness in the face of obvious conflicting evidence.

What sound or noise do you love?   I don’t really have strong opinions about noises or sounds! I guess the sound effect that plays when you turn on a Nintendo Gamecube. Haha.

What sound or noise do you hate?   Political speeches.

What is your favorite food indulgence?   Chocolate milkshakes.