David Okamoto returns to talk about coffee. David discusses some interesting companion planting techniques I’d never heard about. He also discusses why the good stuff can be a bit pricey and what it takes to get that to the stores. I asked how one brews a perfect cup of coffee and found myself informed by the answer.
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My guest, Luke Tatum, has been deep in the rabbit holes of libertarianism for nearly a decade. He joins me to talk about what anarchy is and how to achieve it, even if at a small level. From a small seed grows mighty things.
What’s your least favorite food? I like most everything, so this is actually pretty hard to answer. Maybe popcorn? I know that makes me a heathen.
What gets you excited? Learning new things!
What turns you off? Smugness in the face of obvious conflicting evidence.
What sound or noise do you love? I don’t really have strong opinions about noises or sounds! I guess the sound effect that plays when you turn on a Nintendo Gamecube. Haha.
What sound or noise do you hate? Political speeches.
What is your favorite food indulgence? Chocolate milkshakes.