Episode 21 Lawrence W Reed of FEE

An Economist Dishes On World Foods

Lawrence Reed, president of FEE, joins me to talk international foods and hospitality and a bit of libertarianism.  Larry is a professional economist and historian but today is a travel and food commentator.  We discuss some of the best dishes he’s had which includes one in Moscow and one in Atlanta, GA.

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Lawrence W Reed

Books mentioned

Excuse Me Professor

Real Heroes

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Take a food journey around the world

Episode 20 The Mother Of All Sauces Podcast

The Mother (Sauce) of all Podcasts

Mother Sauces are a staple for great eating.  Aside from pastry, perhaps the single best legacy the French gave food is the sauce.  Some basic skills are all that is needed to start making mother sauces at home.

The craft of the saucier, the sauce chef, is to make the sauces. To do that well, a properly made stock is required.

I go through some of the basics for a good stock which is the key to a good sauce.

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Spice Recipe Kits


French Culinary Terms

Books mentioned

Escoffier’s La Guide Culinaire

Paul Bocuse’s French Cooking

James Peterson’s Sauces