Culinary Libertarian on the Culture of Peace Podcast

Do We Really Need An Overlord For Our Food?

This is my appearance on Luke Tatum’s Culture of Peace podcast.  We discussed the MyPlate .org campaign as well as its predecessor the Food Pyramid, why they came to be and how they are wrong and why that matters.  We also get into some of the why about what’s causing some of the health issues and how that problem is, in part, tied to a one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition.

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Books mentioned

Nina Teicholz’ Bit Fat Surprise

Gary Taubes The Case Against Sugar

Affilates mentioned

bite back against the eduction from the state


Dann’s muffin E-cookbook

I want to bake muffins

Think For Yourself: Critical Thinking Skill- Episode 30

Plato’s Cave Search & Rescue Team

Learn to surpass the weak minds with cool logic

Dyreka Klaus is my guest talking about her book, Think For Yourself, which is a workbook offering critical thinking questions and examples.  The book is written for tweens, but even adults can find value in learning critical thinking skills and logical reasoning.

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