Get Your Grill On: New Tricks with Old Tech Ep 35

Grilling Into The Past With Wood and Coals

Grilling, over charcoal or wood coals, is a superb summertime cooking method. It is a great way to get everyone involved and slow down a bit waiting for the food.

I talk about some new tricks with old tech with inspiration from an excellent book, Cooking with Fire.  Get ready to get your grill on and get your fire building skills in order.  You may want to practice your clove hitch knot, too.

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Haley Heathman Episode 6

Books mentioned

[amazon_link asins=’1612121586,0393240053′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’us-1′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’a7c06bf5-12cf-49b8-b1b3-c78571bb9479′]

Recipes mentioned

Traditional bbq sauce

Affiliates mentioned

Spice Recipe Kits

bite back against the eduction from the state

Kitchen tools page


Making Cheese with Huizache Creamery Episode 34

Artisan Cheese Making In Oregon Through The Ancestors

In Ashland, OR is Huizache Creamery cheese shop operated by Sonia Rangel.  Sonia comes to cheese making from her grand parents and shares some of her knowledge with us as we talk cheese.

Cheese is a nuanced craft, but more so than I realized.

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Guest’s website

Huizache Creamery

Guest’s social media


Resource mentioned

Affiliates mentioned

bite back against the eduction from the state728x90 Dibruno Bros

Cheese Making Kits

Cheese kits on Amazon

What goes best with cheese?  Some wine, of course. Check out my affiliate CA Wine Club.