Brian Reisinger on his book Land Rich Cash Poor and the future of farming Episode 298

Brian Reisinger on his book Land Rich Cash Poor and the future of farming

Brian Reisinger discusses his family farm, farming history and government regulation over time, and what it will take to keep farming viable.

Farming has been subject to many forces, some natural and some man-made. Brian and I discuss what is causing the loss of over 40,000 farms per year and how that can be slowed or stopped.

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Land Rich Cash Poor

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Brian Reisinger Chef’s Table


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A Bird’s-eye view of Ground Zero three days after the towers collapsed Episode 297

The World Trade Centers rubbble from the cockpit of a plane

Over 23 years much has been offered about the World Trade Center buildings collapse. What is not much discussed is what did that site look like on the Friday after? It isn’t much discussed because not too many people saw it. My guest was the first commercial pilot to fly over Ground Zero and we discuss what he saw.

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Dann’s cookbook on Amz

Cooking For Comfort


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