Recipes From Our Fathers

Father Son Silhouette on the beach at sunset

Our dads, the cooks, the teachers

A friend of mine posted a picture of a successful bake of his dad’s cinnamon bread. There was a wonderful family story about that bread and how that bread is a tie to his father and is a tie to him and his daughter. Family foods are a great way to share family stories with the generations and keep the memories alive of the people who made those dishes.

I told my friend my first memory of dad food is French Toast. He has a specific way and that has stayed with me. Of course there are more family foods, such as our Grandma Bogedin’s Easter coffee cake. But this is about dads.

My dad taught me baking

Way back when, my dad did two things we remember well: muffins and French Toast.  He also made a zucchini casserole I can barely repeat and I’m sure it wasn’t difficult, but I come up short each time.

Old recipe and pasta dough being madeI’ve an idea for these recipes and memories of those recipes. I would appreciate your help by you sharing these recipes and memories of why you were proud of you dad. It’s personal and revealing and I get that. Share what you are comfortable with. My project will be to collect this information, depending on the number of submissions.

Thank you for your help. I’m excited about this project. I love to learn the stories of the traditions of people and the foods they eat which make up those traditions.

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Author: Dann Reid

Hello. I'm a dad and husband and baker and chef and student of history, of economics and liberty.

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