Elaine Mendoza on grief and the power of food to connect people to culture Episode 235

Elaine Mendoza speaks about losing her mom and connecting to her with food

Food and culture seem to go hand in hand. Family reinforces that connection. We all have some favorite dishes we’re told are family traditions and that’s part of our family story.  When a key person who helped make that story passes, what’s next?

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50 Things To Know About Being a Chef

Where was this book when I was thinking about being a chef?

My new book, 50 Things To Know About Being a Chef  is live.  Kindle, paperback, and hardback options.

Being a chef as shown on TV is only partly right. The sweat and heat and burn and cuts they get right.  What’s missing is the paperwork, the ordering, the inventory, the dishwashing.  If there’s a job to be done in the kitchen, at some point the chef is going to have to do it.

Do a chef need to join an association?  Is certification necessary?  How does the chef impact customer service?  When I went to culinary school, and even when I taught it, the main focus was on the food.  How to cook it.  There is more to being a chef and a good part of it has nothing to do with cooking.

I probably would not have changed my mind if I had known what I’ve learned over the years.  I would have had a better sense of how to prepare for what I chose, though.

For my other books, visit my Amazon author page here.