Soups Part II The Escoffier Series Episode 197

The Escoffier Series, Soups, Part Deux

I finish up the soup chapter of La Guide Culinaire.  This portion of the book is potages and garbures and international soups.  Even with that variety, there’s something to learn about basic cooking.

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How to clean a round fish

Hello Patrons.

My daughter and I caught some fish the other day. Specifically, I caught 1. We were gifted two and she caught a dozen.

This is a short video about how to clean a round fish. The anatomy is the same; the size changes. A salmon is the same as these trout except a lot bigger.  Bigger fish usually means stronger bones which means more force from you with the knife.

It does have some blood and guts.  If you are squeamish, consider yourself informed.

If you have any questions about this, feel free to drop me a note in Patreon.