The shipping crisis: How we get here? Episode 176

Why the shipping crisis is such a problem and how long it might last.

The shipping crisis is well known. Pictures of boats stacked like proverbial cord wood waiting for a berth at the dock show delays. There are lots of reasons for those delays.  Good reasons. But, who might be behind them and who would want delays?

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How are the vegan agenda and the Great Reset aligned?

Why is Vegan, Inc. so pissed off?

Plant Based News is both a website and a twitter account for vegan activism.

Like any decent activist, they combine news with propaganda. I’m fine with that. It gives me a reason to look into some of their claims and push back.

This is the push back on one such claim they made. In fairness to them, they just repeated it. was the source. To Plant Based News’ credit, they provided the link when I asked for support.

The assertion was first line on the post, “[l]ivestock takes up nearly 80% of global agricultural land, yet produces less than 20% of the world’s supply of calories.”

Big, if true.

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