Dann visits James Jenneman’s Black Bird podcast episode 137

What is the right way and is there such a thing?

If the idea that there is a right way to do something irks you, then this is an irksome episode. In my world of food, there is a right way and lots of wrong ways to do or make dishes.  James and I go over some cooking ideas as well as a good conversation about what is a muffin.

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Podcast show mentioned

Michael Rectenwald on the Great Reset

James’ Black Bird podcast

Black Bird Podcast on Apple Podcast

Affiliate mentioned
Click to subscribe to RadDish Kids amazing cooking club for kids.

Banner for Matt Bankert musician's website mattbankert.com


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Chris Rossini on resistance to Covid vaccine passports Episode 136

Finding joy as we resist the vaccine passports

Chris Rossini joins me today to discuss the stakes in the battle for the “papers please” mentality the state seems to show. How do we battle large, almost unseen forces and keep joy and hope alive? If you are a betting person, bet on liberty.

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Websites mentioned

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Ron Paul Institute


Lew Rockwell

Affiliate mentioned
The California Wine Club is the internet’s top wine club. Join today.

Banner for Matt Bankert musician's website mattbankert.com



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