The Great Food Transformation as part of The Great Reset Episode 122

The Great Reset, Food Sovereignty, and The Great Food Transformation-coming soon to you

Never let a crisis go to waste. And, if you can make the crisis a worldwide crisis, that plays on the fears and greed of the masses, so much the better. The Great Food Transformation has little to do with making you healthier.  Knowing what’s coming is at least helpful to prepare. Stopping it is another matter, but that’s another show.

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Food Transformation articles mentioned

WEF ‘Great Reset’ Plan

MST Objectives

EAT-Lancet Commission Report PDF

Gates Foundation Agricultural Development

Blog post mentioned

Food Sovereignty I

Food Sovereignty II


Climate change

Bob Murphy, “Economics of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change”

“The Bogus ‘Consensus’ Argument on Climate Change”

“Climate Activism, Captured in One Instagram Post”

Affiliate mentioned

Ron Paul Homeschool curriculum banner


Banner for Matt Bankert musician's website


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