HAL 2000 It Wasn’t

I’m sorry Dave, I can’t do that.

In the grand scheme of things it wasn’t a big deal.

Across the street the gas company was working on the gas lines.  To get that job done required some 6 vehicles which parked on both sides of the street.

That day was garbage pick up day.  The garbage truck, with those fancy arms and levers, could not get near enough the bin to empty the trash.  So, mine, my neighbor to the right and across the street-the house with the gas line workers-did not get our smelly stinky over-filled garbage cans emptied.

Well, I’ve read Chris Voss’ negotiating book, Never Split The Difference.  I can fix this.


I overlooked the amazing power of policy and lack of imaginative thinking.  Very powerful, those things.

“How can we help?”
“I would like the trash picked up.”
“Oh, well, it looks like the truck couldn’t get to the can so we can come next week.”
“I would like it picked up this week.  It’ll start to stink and you’ll charge me for extra garbage next week.”
“Well, that might not happen, but we can send someone out today for $17.22.”

And so it went.  They really want to help but can’t do what I’m asking.  But, magically will find a way for more money.

The bill for the month is less than double the stated price for the missed pick up.

So, of course, with all my bravado and skill, mine and the neighbors cans sit stewing in the hot High Dessert sun.

I was disappointed in my lack of accomplishing my goal but comforted that it was a big fish I tried to land.  It takes more skill than I have to move the policy wonk off his perch.

But, I was also a bit peeved.  I needed something.

If you’ve ever seen Harry Potter and the Dementors, you know that the only real help is chocolate.  It works for policy idiots too.

Despite what they show on TV, negotiating is a learned skill.  I’m still learning.  And the trash is brewing.

Have a great weekend.  Morels should be up soon, so if you are in part of the world where that’s a thing, go check.


Continue reading “HAL 2000 It Wasn’t”

Culinary Libertarian on the Culture of Peace Podcast

Do We Really Need An Overlord For Our Food?

This is my appearance on Luke Tatum’s Culture of Peace podcast.  We discussed the MyPlate .org campaign as well as its predecessor the Food Pyramid, why they came to be and how they are wrong and why that matters.  We also get into some of the why about what’s causing some of the health issues and how that problem is, in part, tied to a one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition.

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Books mentioned

Nina Teicholz’ Bit Fat Surprise

Gary Taubes The Case Against Sugar

Affilates mentioned

bite back against the eduction from the state


Dann’s muffin E-cookbook

I want to bake muffins