The Great Gatsby


The Great Gatsby

I will confess that it wasn’t until I was enrolled as an English major that I finally read The Great Gatsby.

I was a non-traditional student which means I was old. 30. Ancient as college kids go.

I dove into my readings. All of them. I enjoyed being a student. In-class discussions revealed an obvious difference between how I and the other students would read a book: our ages dictated how we saw the story.

I’ll admit it has been some while since I’ve read it, but I did read it several times with a few years span in between. As I aged, the story changed a bit. I suspect younger readers would be attracted to Daisy or Tom, attractive and young and dashing. Almost immortal.

Fitzgerald’s writing in really quite impressive here. He had more than a few distractions including Hemingway, the war, Zelda, drinking and yet, somehow, over 5 years of labor, and not, he produced a book which rewrites itself for each read from the same reader.  I read more of Fitzgerald and went to Hemingway and some Gertrude Stein.  I’m a limited fan of the Lost Generation.  Limited in exposure by my choice.

As with most things craft, he has his fans and dissenters. I like him. I like the book. The craft to pick the right word to say the right thing is craft. That a sentence can be so clearly one thing but still carry multiple meanings in context and for the reader is what every writer dreams to do. I don’t think that was his real goal, but I do think he did pursue some idea of immortality in his work. For my money he got it in The Great Gatsby.



Actual Anarchy




No rulers; not no rules

What with the way of the world today, the distinction is important.  Anarchy might seem as chaos (not KAOS).  Anarchy is ordered, but from the individual, not the state.  Anarchy is the absence of rulers, specifically rulers of the State.  Each rules himself under anarchy.  Perhaps that is why so many fear it.  Nonetheless, Actual Anarchy is a podcast run by Daniel and Robert and they review movies from a Rothbardian (from Murray Rothbard) and an anarcho-capitalist perspective.  These guys are smart about libertarianism, Austrian economics, liberty and movies.

Here are my articles published on Actual Anarchy

It’s True, I Swear

Economics, Economics, Economics

Libertarianism 102