Episode 14 Kyle Mamounis

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A Bio Chemist Dishes on Fat, Sugar and Health

I speak with Kyle Mamounis about his research into fat and sugar in the their effects on general wellness.  Kyle has an interesting background of his own path through a variety of diets which include things I didn’t even know were things.

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Books Mentioned

The Big Fat Surprise

Kyle’s Links

“Journal Of Evolution And Health” article

YouTube video from AHS16

YouTube video from AHS17

Curry Oxtail

Websites Mentioned



Update: Kyle shared an article about vegetable oils and why they’re bad for our health.  Here’s the link.  The author was one of Kyle’s classmates at Rutgers.


Author: Dann Reid

Hello. I'm a dad and husband and baker and chef and student of history, of economics and liberty.

13 thoughts on “Episode 14 Kyle Mamounis”

  1. kyle cited right off the bat a french guy on the sp()* tomowitz podcast. evidently i’m spelling it wrong. i’ve found no results. could i have the name?

    1. Yes, that was a quick mention. The podcast is the Tom Woods Show. The guest is unknown to me, but I’ve asked Tom if he recalls him. I’ll let you know if I learn his name.

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